你怕不怕(China Mobile the 16G are you Scared) 这里是电量看见没(This is power to see not) 这是时间(This is the time) 往右滑动解锁,你个渣渣(Slide to the right to unlock) 紧急情况这里可以报警(Emergency you can call 110) 在这里可以揄拍(Can take hotos here)

你怕不怕(China Mobile the 16G are you Scared) 这里是电量看见没(This is power to see not) 这是时间(This is the time) 往右滑动解锁,你个渣渣(Slide to the right to unlock) 紧急情况这里可以报警(Emergency you can call 110) 在这里可以揄拍(Can take hotos here)